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  • Acton 정보 | 부동산

    Acton 매물 보기 Acton, Massachusetts, is another town in Middlesex County, United States. Here's an overview: Location : Acton is located in eastern Massachusetts, about 21 miles northwest of Boston. It's part of the Greater Boston area. History : Acton was first settled in 1639 as part of Concord. It was incorporated as a separate town in 1735. Population : As of the 2020 census, Acton had a population of around 25,000 people. Education : Acton has a strong education system with multiple public schools, including elementary schools, middle schools, and Acton-Boxborough Regional High School. The schools consistently rank highly in statewide assessments. Economy : Acton has a diverse economy with a mix of small businesses, technology companies, and retail establishments. Many residents also commute to nearby cities like Boston for work. ​Recre ation : The town offers numerous recreational opportunities, including parks, playgrounds, and hiking trails. Great Brook Farm State Park is a popular destination for outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and cross-country skiing. ​ Transportation : Acton is served by the MBTA commuter rail, providing easy access to Boston and other nearby communities. It's also located near major highways, including Interstate 495 and Route 2. Community : Acton has a strong sense of community with various events and activities throughout the year, including the Acton-Boxborough Farmers Market and the Acton Carnival. Culture : The town has a rich cultural scene with local theater groups, art exhibits, and music performances. The Acton Historical Society preserves the town's history through exhibits and educational programs. ​ Overall, Acton is a thriving community known for its excellent schools, outdoor recreational opportunities, and strong sense of community. Average Income : $158,​000 + as of 2022 ​ Acton typically has highly regarded public schools known for their academic excellence, diverse programs, and strong community support. ​ NICHE 2024 School Ranking in MA #71 out of 964 - Elementary #34 out 378 - Middle School #17 out of 362 - High School ​ Last updated 2022, Acton has a diverse population, though it may not be as diverse as some larger suburban areas closer to Boston. According to the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) 2019 estimates, the racial and ethnic makeup of Acton, MA, was approximately: ​ White: 74.3% Asian: 17.8% Hispanic or Latino: 4.1% Black or African American: 1.2% Two or More Races: 2.3% Other races: Less than 1%

  • 집이 빨리 않 팔리면 어떻게 하지요? | 부동산

    ​لماذا لا تبيع المنازل بسرعة إذا لم تتمكن من بيع منزلك أو لم يكن يبيع في أفضل حالة ممكنة ، فلا بد أن يكون هناك سبب. بالطبع ، هناك العديد من الأسباب ، لكن ثلاثة منها هي الأسباب الرئيسية. التحضير والتسعير والمعالجة ومن بين هؤلاء الثلاثة ، الأهم هو التسعير. يرجى الرجوع إلى المعلومات أدناه حول التسعير إذا فهمت ذلك ، فإن 90٪ من مبيعات المنازل قد نجحت بالفعل. الخبر السار هو أن هذا مبدأ بسيط وسهل الفهم. إذا فعلت ذلك جيدًا ، يمكنك بيع منزلك جيدًا ولا داعي للقلق. الأخبار السيئة هي أنه من الناحية العملية ، ليس من السهل على البائعين التنفيذ لأسباب متنوعة. الأسباب التي قد تكون مهمة بشكل عام ​ لقد رفضت العرض الذي جاء في البداية ، وكان ذلك خطأ فادحًا. لم يسمح للمشترين بالحضور ورؤية المنزل بسهولة في أي وقت. خلال فترة الضمان مع المشتري ، خاضت معركة عاطفية غير مجدية. يبدو أن وكيل القائمة لم يرد بشكل صحيح على مكالمات المشترين. كان سعر القائمة مرتفعًا جدًا. لقد قمت بتعيين سعر القائمة منخفضًا جدًا في البداية. نظرًا لأن الوكيل كان يبحث عن المشتري الخاص به ، فإنه لم يقم بالتسويق العام بشكل صحيح. كانت عمولة وكيل المشتري منخفضة للغاية. أثناء المعاينة ، كان هناك الكثير من المشاكل مع المنزل وغاب المشتري. لم أتمكن من تحميل أي صور جذابة تجذب انتباه المشترين على الإنترنت. كنت أتفاوض على السعر بشدة وفقدت المشتري. كان يجب أن نتحقق من قدرة المشتري على القرض عن كثب. لقد قمت بالكثير من العمل الشاق فيما يتعلق بالعقد والإفصاح ، لكنني كنت في حيرة من أمري. غير المشتري رأيه في اللحظة الأخيرة وغاب عن جميع المشترين الجيدين الآخرين. وكيل التسجيل لم يتواصل بشكل جيد ولم يفاوض بشكل جيد. يجب أن يكون سعر القائمة قد تم تعديله أقل قليلاً حتى في المنتصف. لم أستطع ترك انطباع جيد لدى المشترين لأنني لم أستطع تزيين المنزل بشكل جيد. وكيل القائمة لم يعمل بجد وتركه دون رقابة. قابلت مشترًا سيئًا وعانيت فقط في قلبي ، وفي النهاية لم أستطع حتى بيع منزلي. ​ زيادة السعر ​ الخطأ الأول الذي يرتكبه البائعون هو الإصرار على زيادة الأسعار. الكلمات الرئيسية هنا هي "زيادة السعر" و "الهوس". ​ في تجربتنا ، يميل ما يقرب من 70-80٪ من البائعين إلى الاعتقاد بأن منازلهم تساوي أكثر مما هي عليه بالفعل. . هناك أسباب مختلفة ، ولكن باختصار ، إنه بسبب توقع أننا سنتمكن من تلقي المزيد. في النهاية ، إذا أصررت على زيادة السعر ، فسيكون ذلك أفضل مما لو عرضت المنزل بسعر عادل في المقام الأول. من السهل بيع المنزل بسعر أقل. مع عدم وجود استثناءات تقريبًا ، ستتبع دور ارتفاع الأسعار الإجراءات التالية. . بعد الانتظار لمدة شهر أو شهرين ، إذا لم يأتي العرض ، يتم تخفيض السعر ويضع المشترون عرضًا أقل من السعر المنخفض. منزل لا يمسه أحد ، إنه مشهد جميل. حتى إذا قام المشتري الذي لا يعرف سعر السوق المحلي بتقديم عرض بسعر مرتفع ، فمن المرجح أن يتم كسر العقد في النهاية. في بعض الأحيان ينشغلون في عملية التقييم ، وأحيانًا لا يتحملون ندم المشتري. ​ ​ إذا كان البائعون لا يريدون الوقوع في فخ الأسعار الزائدة ... ​ تحليل دقيق للسعر ​ أفضل شيء يمكن أن يفعله البائع هو النظر حول المنازل من حولك من وجهة نظر المشتري. وعليك أن تلتقي بالوكيل جيداً أولاً وقبل كل شيء وكيل ماهر في تحليل أسعار السوق ووكيل بضمير وشجاعة لقول الحقيقة فعل. إن نية خداع عقل البائع من خلال تقديم سعر مرتفع دون قيد أو شرط سيؤدي إلى إلحاق الضرر بالبائع. ​ ​ تعديل السعر ​ من الناحية المثالية ، يجب أن تبدأ بسعر عادل منذ البداية. ومع ذلك ، إذا تقرر ، لأي سبب من الأسباب ، أنك بدأت التسويق باستخدام Overprice ، فيجب عليك خفض السعر في أقرب وقت ممكن. إذا بدأت في أن تكون "لزجًا" في هذا المجال ، فستصبح مشكلة منذ ذلك الحين. المشكلة الحقيقية ليست ارتفاع سعر القائمة ، ولكن التوقعات العالية المقابلة للبائع. بمجرد إنشائها ، يصعب خفض "التوقعات". إذا شعرت بالحاجة إلى تعديل السعر ، فمن الأفضل أن تقوم بذلك في غضون شهر على الأقل ، ويجب عليك خفض السعر بشكل كبير إلى المستوى الذي تعتقد أنه سعر مناسب ، وليس قليلاً. ​ ​ احترم "حكم" المشترين ​ إن المشترين وليس البائعين هم من يحدد سعر المنزل. عندما يكون هناك الكثير من العروض ، هناك أوقات يأتون فيها بحلول 10 ، لكن في كل مرة لا يوجد استثناء. يمكنك أن ترى ظاهرة مثيرة للاهتمام. 2-3 من كل 10 غالية الثمن بشكل يبعث على السخرية ، بالنسبة إلى 5-6 المتبقية ، يأتي السعر نفسه تقريبًا كما لو أن المشترين قد تجمعوا ووعدوا. يحتاج البائعون إلى التفكير جيدًا هنا. "سعر السوق لمنزلنا هو السعر الذي يقدمه عادة مشتري 5-6 الذين لا يعرفون بعضهم البعض". نظرًا لأن السعر في ذهن البائع غالبًا ما يكون أعلى من ذلك ، تبدأ مشاكل البائع. . هنا ، حتى لو كان الأمر صعبًا ، إذا قبلت آراء المشترين ، يمكنك بيع منزلك جيدًا ، وإذا أصررت على أفكار البائع حتى النهاية وتجاهلت "حكم" المشترين ، تبدأ جميع أنواع المشاكل أن تنشأ. في النهاية ، من السهل خسارة كل المشترين الجيدين والتمسك بما يكفي للبقاء على قيد الحياة ، ثم بيع المنزل بسعر أقل من سعر السوق. ​ والخبر السار هو أنه عادة ما يأتي عرض واحد من كل 10 عروض أعلى قليلاً من متوسط سعر 5-6 مشترين. إذا تلقيت عرضًا أو عرضين من هذه العروض دون أي ندم ، فأنت تبيع المنزل جيدًا. (بالطبع ، في الوضع الطبيعي ، لا يمكنك رؤية هذا النمط بدون 10 عروض ، لكن المبدأ الأساسي المتمثل في أن المشترين يقررون في النهاية سعر المنزل لا يتغير).

  • 신축 콘도 | 부동산

    ​보스턴 신축 콘도 Created by Chris Choi. Last updated February 16 2024 The Ritz Carlton Residence South Station Tower Move in 2025 One Dalton Millennium at Winthrop The Sudbury The Parker Raffles Boston 100 Shawmut St. Regis Seaport 22 Liberty Echelon Seaport 50 Liberty Pier 4 Residences

  • Concord 정보 | 부동산

    Concord 매물 보기 Concord, Massachusetts, is a historic town located in Middlesex County, United States. Here's an overview of Concord: ​ Location : Concord is situated in eastern Massachusetts, about 20 miles northwest of Boston. It's part of the Greater Boston area. History : Concord has a rich history dating back to the colonial era. It was settled in 1635 and played a significant role in the American Revolutionary War. The town is famous for being the site of the first battle of the Revolution, the Battle of Lexington and Concord, which took place on April 19, 1775. ​ Population : As of the 2020 census, Concord had a population of approximately 18,000 people. Education : Concord is known for its excellent public schools, including several elementary schools, middle schools, and Concord-Carlisle Regional High School. The schools consistently rank highly academically and offer a range of extracurricular activities. Economy : Concord's economy is diverse, with a mix of small businesses, professional services, and retail establishments. The town also has a thriving arts and cultural scene, including galleries, theaters, and music venues. ​Recre ation : Concord offers numerous opportunities for outdoor recreation, including parks, trails, and conservation areas. Walden Pond State Reservation, made famous by Henry David Thoreau's book "Walden," is a popular destination for swimming, hiking, and picnicking. ​ Transportation : Concord is primarily accessed by car and is located near major highways, including Inte rstate 95 and Route 2. The town is also served by the MBTA commuter rail, providing convenient access to Boston and other nearby communities. Community : Concord has a strong sense of community with various events and activities throughout the year, including the Concord Festival of Authors and the Concord Winter Market. Culture : The town boasts a wealth of cultural attractions, including historic sites such as the Old North Bridge and the Ralph Waldo Emerson House. The Concord Museum and the Louisa May Alcott Orchard House offer insight into the town's history and literary heritage. ​ Overall, Concord is a charming New England town known for its rich history, scenic beauty, and vibrant community. Average Income : $194,​000 + as of 2022 ​ Concord's public schools are generally well-regarded for their high academic standards, innovative programs, and supportive learning environments. ​ NICHE 2024 School Ranking in MA #69 out of 964 - Elementary #52 out 378 - Middle School #14 out of 362 - High School ​ Last updated 2022, Concord has a diverse population, though it may not be as diverse as some larger suburban areas closer to Boston. According to the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) 2019 estimates, the racial and ethnic makeup of Concord, MA, was approximately: ​ White: 86.6% Asian: 7.5% Hispanic or Latino: 2.4% Black or African American: 1.0% Two or More Races: 2.1% Other races: Less than 1%

  • Hopkinton 정보 | 부동산

    Hopkinton 매물 보기 Hopkinton, Massachusetts is a town located in Middlesex County, approximately 30 miles west of Boston. Here's a comprehensive overview of Hopkinton: Location : Hopkinton is bordered by Ashland to the northeast, Holliston to the southeast, Westborough to the south, Upton to the west, and Southborough to the north. History : Hopkinton was settled in 1715 and incorporated as a town in 1715. The town's history is closely tied to its location along the old Native American trail known as the Bay Path, which later became a major route for early settlers traveling between Boston and other parts of New England. Demographics : Hopkinton has a population of around 17,000 residents as of recent estimates. The town is known for its strong sense of community, excellent schools, and recreational amenities. Education : Hopkinton is served by the Hopkinton Public Schools district, which includes several elementary schools, one middle school, and Hopkinton High School. The schools are highly regarded for their academic excellence and extracurricular programs. Economy : Hopkinton has a diverse economy, with residents employed in various sectors including technology, healthcare, education, manufacturing, and professional services. The town is home to several technology companies and research institutions. Real Estate : Hopkinton has a competitive real estate market, characterized by a mix of single-family homes, condominiums, and new construction. The town's attractive neighborhoods, top-rated schools, and proximity to major highways contribute to its desirability among homebuyers. ​ Recreation : Hopkinton offers plenty of recreational opportunities for residents and visitors. The town is best known as the starting point for the Boston Marathon and has several parks, hiking trails, and conservation areas. The Hopkinton State Park, located on the shores of Hopkinton Reservoir, offers swimming, fishing, bo ating, and picnicking. Cultural Attractions : Hopkinton is home to several cultural attractions, including the Hopkinton Center for the Arts, which offers classes, workshops, and performances in visual and performing arts. The town also hosts various community events, festivals, and concerts throughout the year. Transportation : Hopkinton is conveniently located near major highways, including Interstate 495 and the Massachusetts Turnpike (Interstate 90), providing easy access to Boston and other parts of Massachusetts. The town is also served by MBTA commuter rail stations in nearby Ashland and Southborough. Govern ment : Hopkinton operates under a representative town meeting form of government, with elected officials including a Board of Selectmen and various town committees responsible for overseeing municipal services and policy decisions. ​ Overall, Hopkinton, MA, offers a mix of small-town charm, recreational opportunities, and economic vitality, making it a desirable place to live for families, professionals, and outdoor enthusiasts. Average Income : $174,​000 + as of 2022 ​ Hopkinton's schools are generally well-regarded for their academic excellence, extracurricular offerings, and community involvement. ​ NICHE 2024 School Ranking in MA #8 out of 964 - Elementary #2 out 378 - Middle School #6 out of 362 - High School ​ Last updated in 2022, Hopkinton has a diverse population, though it may not be as diverse as some larger suburban areas closer to Boston. According to the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) estimates, the racial and ethnic makeup of Weston, MA, was approximately: ​ White: 76.6% Asian: 17.3% Hispanic or Latino: 3.2% Black or African American: 1.0% Two or More Races: 1.5% Other races: Less than 1%

  • 50 Liberty 정보 | 부동산

    50 Liberty 매물 보기 50 LIBERTY The heart of Boston Harbor will be home to the new residences at 50 Liberty Boston in Seaport District. Designed by acclaimed Elkus Manfredi Architects, 50 Liberty's breathtaking floor-to-ceiling window design reflects its intimate relationship with both water and sky and invites you to enjoy spectacular and expansive views and the calming inspiration of a remarkable setting. The 14 Story, 120 unit building located adjacent to 22 Liberty will feature amenities including Babbo Pizzeria e Enoteca, a new restaurant concept from famed chef Mario Batali, as well as Committee, a Mediterranean restaurant from George Aboujaoude. 50 Liberty Boston will have similar finishes to 22 Liberty, such as marble baths, custom kitchens with Sub Zero appliances, hardwood floors both private and communal outdoor space. The concierge and garage parking will make these some of the most sought after homes in the Seaport. Take pleasure in the lush green parks, the six-acre Fan Pier Marina, the HarborWalk, an abundance of retail shops and services as well as the eclectic collection of restaurants that you will find right outside your front door.

  • Westford 정보 | 부동산

    Westford 매물 보기 Westford, Massachusetts, is a town located in Middlesex County, United States. Here's an overview of Westford: ​ Location : Westford is situated in northeastern Massachusetts, about 30 miles northwest of Boston. It's part of the Greater Lowell area. History : Westford was first settled in the late 17th century and was officially incorporated as a town in 1729. The town has a rich history, including early agricultural roots and later industrial development. Population : As of the 2020 census, Westford had a population of approximately 25,000 people. Education : Westford is known for its excellent public school system, which includes several elementary schools, two middle schools, and Westford Academy, the town's high school. Westford schools consistently rank highly academically and offer a variety of extracurricular activities. Economy : Westford's economy is diverse, with a mix of industries including technology, manufacturing, and healthcare. The town is home to several technology companies and corporate offices, contributing to its strong economic base. ​ Recreation : Westford offers numerous opportunities for outdoor recreation, including parks, trails, and conservation areas. The Bruce Freeman Rail Trail, which passes through Westford, provides a scenic route for walking, jogging, and biking. Transportation : Westford is accessible by several major highways, including Interstate 495 and Route 3. Public transportation options are limited, but the town is served by the Lowell Regional Transit Authority (LRTA) bus service. Com munity : Westford has a strong sense of community with various events and activities held throughout the year. These include the Westford Farmers Market, summer concerts on the town common, and community festivals such as Westford Family FunFest. Culture : The town has a vibrant cultural scene with local theater productions, art exhibits, and music performances. Historical sites such as the Westford Museum and the Old Fletcher Tavern provide insight into the town's history and heritage. ​ Overall, Westford is a thriving community known for its excellent schools, strong economy, and quality of life. It offers a mix of small-town charm and modern amenities, making it an attractive place to live and work. Average Income : $150,​000 + as of 2022 ​ Westford typically has well-regarded public schools known for their academic rigor, dedicated teachers, and strong community involvement. ​ NICHE 2024 School Ranking in MA #46 out of 964 - Elementary #20 out 378 - Middle School #56 out of 362 - High School ​ Last updated 2022, Westford has a diverse population, though it may not be as diverse as some larger suburban areas closer to Boston. According to the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) 2019 estimates, the racial and ethnic makeup of Westford, MA, was approximately: ​ White: 72.9% Asian: 21.0% Hispanic or Latino: 3.5% Black or African American: 0.7% Two or More Races: 1.5% Other races: Less than 1%

  • Brookline 정보 | 부동산

    Brookline 매물 보기 Brookline, Massachusetts is a vibrant town located in Norfolk County, just west of Boston. Here's a comprehensive overview of Brookline: Location : Brookline is bordered by Boston to the east, Brighton to the north, Allston to the northeast, Newton to the west, and Jamaica Plain to the south. History : Brookline was originally settled in the early 17th century and incorporated as a separate town in 1705. It was named after the brooks that formed its boundaries. Brookline has a rich history, with many historic sites and landmarks dating back to colonial times. Demographics : Brookline has a population of around 60,000 residents as of recent estimates. The town is known for its diverse population, strong sense of community, and high quality of life. Education : Brookline is served by the Public Schools of Brookline district, which includes several elementary schools, two middle schools, and Brookline High School. The schools are highly regarded for their academic excellence and extracurricular programs. Higher Education : Brookline is home to several institutions of higher education, including parts of Boston University and Pine Manor College. Economy : Brookline has a diverse economy, with residents employed in various sectors including education, healthcare, technology, finance, and professional services. Many residents commute to Boston or nearby cities for work, while others operate businesses within the town. ​ Real Estate : Brookline has a competitive real estate market, characterized by a mix of historic homes, upscale condominiums, and luxury properties. The town's proximity to Boston, excellent schools, and strong community amenities contribute to its desirability among homebuyers. Recreation : Brookline offers plenty of recreational opportunities for residents and visitors. The town has several parks, playgrounds, and sports fields, as well as walking trails and conservation areas. The Emerald Necklace, a series of interconnected parks designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, runs through Brookline. Cultural Attractions : Brookline is home to several cultural attractions, including the Coolidge Corner Theatre, one of the oldest independent movie theaters in the United States. The town also hosts various community events, concerts, and festivals throughout the year. Transportation : Brookline is well-connected by public transportation, with multiple MBTA Green Line stations serving the town. The town is also served by several bus routes, providing easy access to Boston and other nearby cities. Government : Brookline operates under a representative town meeting form of government, with elected officials including a Board of Selectmen and various town committees responsible for overseeing municipal services and policy decisions. ​ Overall, Brookline, MA, offers a blend of urban and suburban amenities, top-notch schools, and a high quality of life, making it a desirable place to live for families, professionals, and students alike. Average Income : $184,​000 + as of 2022 ​ Brookline's schools are often highly rated, offering a range of academic programs, extracurricular activities, and resources to support student success. ​ NICHE 2024 School Ranking in MA #12 out of 964 - Elementary #6 out 378 - Middle School #3 out of 362 - High School ​ Last updated in 2022, Brookline is known for its vibrant community, excellent public schools, and cultural amenities. According to the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) estimates, the racial and ethnic makeup of Brookline, MA, was approximately: ​ White: 69.6% Asian: 15.8% Hispanic or Latino: 5.9% Black or African American: 5.2% Two or More Races: 3.1% Other races: Less than 1%

  • Sharon 정보 | 부동산

    Sharon 매물 보기 Sharon, Massachusetts is a suburban town located in Norfolk County, about 17 miles southwest of Boston. Here's a comprehensive overview of Sharon: Location : Sharon is bordered by Canton to the north, Stoughton to the east, Easton to the south, and Foxborough to the west. History : Sharon was settled in 1637 and incorporated as a town in 1765. The town's early economy was based on agriculture and manufacturing, particularly of shoes and boots. Today, Sharon is a primarily residential community with a strong sense of community and history. Demographics : Sharon has a population of around 18,000 residents as of recent estimates. The town is known for its diverse population, excellent schools, and high quality of life. Education : Sharon is served by the Sharon Public Schools district, which includes several elementary schools, one middle school, and Sharon High School. The schools are highly regarded for their academic excellence and extracurricular programs. Economy : Sharon has a diverse economy, with residents employed in various sectors including education, healthcare, technology, finance, and professional services. Many residents commute to Boston or nearby cities for work, while others operate businesses within the town. Real Estate : Sharon has a competitive real estate market, characterized by a mix of single-family homes, condominiums, and townhouses. The town's attractive neighborhoods, top-rated schools, and proximity to Boston contribute to its desirability among homebuyers. ​Recr e ation : Sharon offers plenty of recreational opportunities for residents and visitors. The town has several parks, playgrounds, and sports fields, as well as walking trails and conservation areas. Borderland State Park, located partially in Sharon, provides additional opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, picnicking, and fishing. ​ Cultural Attractions : Sharon is home to several cultural attractions, including the Sharon Historical Society Museum, which preserves and interprets the town's history. The town also hosts various community events, concerts, and festivals throughout the year. Transportation : Sharon is conveniently located near major highways, including Interstate 95 (Route 128) and Interstate 495, providing easy access to Boston and other parts of Massachusetts. The town is also served by the MBTA commuter rail, with two stations providing service to Boston and other destinations. Government : Sharon operates under a representative town meeting form of government, with elected officials including a Board of Selectmen and various town committees responsible for overseeing municipal services and policy decisions. ​ Overall, Sharon, MA, offers a mix of suburban charm, top-notch schools, and a high quality of life, making it a desirable place to live for families, professionals, and those seeking a close-knit community atmosphere. Average Income : $178,​000 + as of 2022 ​ Sharon typically has good public schools known for their strong academics, supportive environment, and diverse student body. ​ NICHE 2024 School Ranking in MA #46 out of 964 - Elementary #13 out 378 - Middle School #9 out of 362 - High School ​ Last updated 2022, Sharon has a diverse population, though it may not be as diverse as some larger suburban areas closer to Boston. According to the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) estimates, the racial and ethnic makeup of Weston, MA, was approximately: ​ White: 68.8% Asian: 20.7% Hispanic or Latino: 5.3% Black or African American: 2.8% Two or More Races: 2.1% Other races: Less than 1%

  • 투자 매물 | 부동산

    ​투자 부동산관리 Created by Chris Choi Last updated February 15 2024 캠브리지 다세대 매물 캠브리지 콘도 ~ 999K 캠브리지 콘도 1MM up ​보스턴 다세대 매물 보스턴 콘도 ~ 700K 보스턴 콘도 700K ~ 999K 보스턴 콘도 1MM ~ 1.5MM 보스턴 콘도 1.5MM ~ 2MM 보스턴 콘도 2MM ~ 3MM ​브룩라인 다세대 매물 ​브룩라인 콘도 ~ 999K ​브룩라인 콘도 1MM up

  • The Ritz Carton Sub | 부동산

    The Ritz-Carlton Residences, South Boston Tower Luxury condos are going on sale over the major transportation hub in Boston.​ ​ Prices for the Ritz-Carlton Residences range from $1.3 million to $14 million. ​ They will be on the top 16 floors of the South Station Tower. ​ A total of 166 condos "with unsurpassed panoramic views of the city and ​ Boston Harbor" are expected to be ready by 2025. The units have floor-to-ceiling glass windows, access to a private outdoor pool, roof deck and "a nearly one-acre private sky park on the 11th floor." 현재 건설 중인 콘도입니다 연락을 주시면 자세한 내용을 안내해 드리겠습니다

  • 부동산 투자, 매매, 관리

    مرحبًا بك في بيتك في Pier 4 ، وهو ملكية الواجهة البحرية الأولى في بوسطن في قلب The Seaport وتحيط به المياه من 3 جوانب. يقع في الطابق الخامس ، هذا السكن المذهل على الرغم من أنه يوفر التوازن المثالي بين الحيوية والهدوء. بمجرد دخولك إلى المنزل ، ادخل إلى واحتك الشخصية في المدينة. استيقظ على الإطلالات المائية واحتسي قهوة الصباح على شرفتك الخاصة بينما تتألق الشمس قبالة البحر. يوفر التصميم الفسيح والمفتوح مطبخًا فاخرًا ، LR / DR مع شرفة ، غرفتي نوم بالإضافة إلى غرفة فليكس / مكتب مع خزانة. يتميز The Chef's Kitchen بأجهزة Gaggenau ، و 5 مواقد تعمل بالغاز ، وجزيرة وأسطح من الرخام الأبيض ، وخزائن فسيحة ، ومخزن كبير ، وثلاجة نبيذ ، وترقيات مخصصة في جميع الأنحاء. أرضيات خشب الجوز. 2 جراج مع خيارات خدمة صف السيارات والسيفير بارك. تشمل الخدمات ذات الخمس نجوم ما يلي: كونسيرج وخدمة صف السيارات على مدار الساعة ومركز لياقة بدنية وملعب جولف افتراضي ومنتجع صحي للكلاب. ادعُ ضيوفك للاستمتاع بكأس من النبيذ في صالة Owners / الشرفة الحصرية مع حفر النار وإطلالات خلابة على الميناء ​ 24 بواب / بواب ، خدمة صف السيارات / صف السيارات ذاتيًا ، غرفة محاكاة الرياضات المتعددة ، تجهيزات لياقة بدنية على الواجهة البحرية مع بيلوتون ، المرآة ، أوزان حرة ، كارديو ، ملاكمة ، مطبخ مع شرفة ، قهوة / شاي يوميًا ، صالة مالكي ، غسيل كلاب في الموقع ، مطعمان في الموقع - Woods Hill Table و Nautilus ميناء

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